Yawning man (US) +m Vokonis (SWE)

Yawning man + Vokonis

Vi får besök av Revival Booking i Hängmattan:

Influenced by everything from the psychedelic to the folkloric, jazz, hard rock, roots punk, world music- while hard to describe, one could say the sound and mood of Yawning Man is visual and cinematic , heavy and melancholy, driving & daydreamy…
Yawning Man, who hail from the arid desert area of Southern California, have been playing, jamming, and recording since 1986, and are a highly influential band. Most of their fans and those heavily influenced by them consider them to be ‘the originators’ of the entire “Desert Rock” movement/genre.
“Yawning Man was the sickest desert band of all time. Oh, they’re the GREATEST band I’ve ever seen.- Brant Bjork (2002)
Brant was a member of the later formed, but also highly influential hard rock/desert rock band Kyuss, and the Yawning Man song “Catamaran” was covered and included on their 4th album “And The Circus Leaves Town”. Countless bands, many hailing from the same Desert turf the band was bred from, and even more, spanning not only the US, but Europe and farther even yet, have been influenced by Yawning Man.
It would be almost 20 years after the band’s organic beginnings that the public would be blessed with a full length LP, “Rock Formations”, released in 2006 (Gary Arce on guitars, Alfredo Hernandez on drums and Mario Lalli on Bass). Other releases from the band include the Ep “Pot Head” with the addition of fellow desert musician Billy Cordell on Bass. “Vista Point” contains both of the aforementioned albums on one disc, and was released in 2008 to appease the rabid fans who were unable to pay the hefty prices for what limited copies of the first two albums existed. 2011 saw the release of “Nomadic Pursuits”, a brilliant album consistent with their style and flair, yet fresh and intriguing as ever.

– Vokonis- Challenging the progescape with their progressive, trans-metal/rock which traverses the space between intensely personal and overtly public evisceration of the self.
Vokonis crafts dreamily heavy, masterfully prodgy, grunge laced metal that effortlessly moves between catchy, instant appeal yet never loses it’s rich, textural composition and dazzling complexity with immersive emotion at its core. Challenging and expanding the prog universe with an underlying mysterious drama and stylistic panache, Vokonis give us a sometimes sludgy, stoner doomy landscape yet never fails to provide original, powerful, dynamic arrangements. With blisteringly swaggering riffs and a charismatic stage presence which have become Vokonis’s calling card have come rave international reviews and great anticipation for their releases and live performances.
A new album is on the near horizon for Vokonis and we are in luck to experience fresh material while witnessing the continued evolution of this incredibly compelling band as we’re thrilled to announce that they will join the lineup and open for Yawning Man at Musikenshus on 28th of October.Plats: Hängmattan, Karl Johansgatan 16, 414 59 Göteborg

Biljetter säljes via tickster
Ålder: 18+
Vid vidare frågor: revivalbooking@live.com

Lördag 28 Oktober

  • Insläpp: 19.00
  • Vokonis: 20.30
  • Yawning man: 21.30
  • Entré: 250  kr (ink avgift vid förköp)
  • Åldersgräns 18 år
  • Hängmattan
  • Ingång Karljohansgatan 16
  • Meny & bar.